Information about Cilcain Community Council

Income and expenditure:

In order to finance expenditure, the Community Council sets a precept (total amount) to be collected for households in its area as a component of the County Council’s Council Tax. For 2017/2018 this was equivalent to £37.28 on Band D properties in the Council Tax. All the Council’s income and expenditure is subject to annual audit.

Planning Applications

The Community Council is not a planning authority and as such does not make decisions on planning applications; this is the responsibility of Flintshire County Council. However, the Community Council is a statutory consultee and as such receives details of all planning applications relating to the community. The community council comments on the planning applications.

Statutory and other powers:

Statutory and other powers exercised by the Cilcain Community Council are as follows:

(i) Bus Shelters

The Community Council provides for repair and maintenance of two stone built shelters. The bus shelter in Rhydymwyn has been completely re-built twice in the last 20 years, following demolition by vehicle collisions.

(ii) Footway Lighting

The Community Council owns 29 lamp columns at present. The maintenance, including repairing and replacing defective lamps, is undertaken for the Community Council by a local Street Lighting Contractor.

(iii) Notice Boards

Notice Boards placed at key points within the Wards of Cilcain and Rhydymwyn are an important source of information for our communities. The Community Council is responsible for the provision, erection and maintenance of four Notice Boards in Cilcain and Rhydymwyn. The Notice Board in Rhydymwyn had to be replaced a few years ago. Fortunately, the Council received an £800 donation from a local quarry towards the replacement cost.

(iv) Public Seats

The Community Council is responsible for the provision, erection and maintenance of 10 public seats. Fortunately, the Council has not had to purchase new seats recently. The seat in Mountain Road was donated by Mr and Mrs Cowper. The seat at the Crescent was a donation from the WI. The seat at the Church entrance has recently been replaced with a new hardwood seat, the Council having received a grant for this from Tidy Towns.

(v) Playing Fields

The council owns two playing fields. The field at Cilcain is the Waen Field, with the one at Rhydymwyn being known as the Donkey Field. The maintenance of both fields is undertaken by the County Council. Two annual events take place at the Waen Field – the Village Show and the Bonfire. Rhydymwyn’s annual Bonfire is held at the Donkey Field, with the Annual Village Fete being held on the adjoining Football Field.

(vi) Village Hall

The Village Hall at Cilcain is owned by the Community Council. The Council insures the building. Whilst the building is owned by the Community Council, the day to day operation is under the jurisdiction of the Village Hall Management Committee. The contents are insured by the Management Committee.

(vii) Cemeteries

The Council maintains two public cemeteries. The first burial took place in Cilcain Cemetery on 3rd April 1899. The occupied area of the cemetery has to be strimmed by hand, and this work is paid for by the Community Council. The grass is cut once a month from April / May through to October. The Council has in recent years taken some of the older kerbs away to aid maintenance. The Council’s cemetery in Rhydymwyn is not as old as Cilcain Cemetery, the first burial taking place in February 1992. Please view the links on the main menu for cemetery regulations and fees.

(viii) Play areas

Flintshire County Council maintains the two play areas on the Community Council owned playing fields. The Community Council recently arranged for a £66,000 grant from the Welsh Assembly towards refurbishment of the play area equipment at Rhydymwyn. Another £10,000 grant was obtained for the refurbishment scheme following building of new houses in Rhydymwyn. The Community received another Welsh Assembly 75% grant towards a £47,500 refurbishment scheme for the play area at Cilcain in 2012/2013

(ix) Planning

The Community Council receives copies of all planning applications affecting the community and has the right to make comments, including objections to be taken into account by the Planning Authority.

(x) Car Parking

The Community Council owns the parking area outside the Village Hall in Cilcain. Two separate lay-bys / parking areas were recently provided on Mountain Road, just outside the village.

(xi) Miscellaneous

The Community Council acts as a pressure group with other local authorities, Health and Police Authorities and public utilities to ensure local services are not diminished, bring deficiencies to their notice and suggest improvements.

(xii) Annual Events

Several items have become fairly regular events in the Council’s calendar, for example daffodil bulb planting in October / November and leaf clearing at Cilcain Cemetery in December.


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